
Watch Out for These 3 Common Lies About Tattoo Designers

Do you read reviews, take advice, research on your own or speak to people before buying/selling or investing in some major activity. I am sure it would be yes. You should do the same before getting a tattoo design inked on your skin or while choosing the best tattoo designer to execute the design well.

However, when planning to get a tattoo, don't be dissuaded by the things you hear about the designer or the post tattoo care regimen. You should make inquiries about tattoo artists, their prices, quality of work as well as the safety and hygiene measures practiced by them, before getting inked. However, you should watch out for these three common lies about tattoo designers.

The designer won't be able to create a design that the client wants: Most people claim that they would have loved to get a tattoo done but there is no designer who can understand exactly what the client wants and hence will not be able to deliver the exact design. As far as the skill of an experienced tattoo artist is concerned, this is far from true.

Tattoo designers are artists with knowledge, skill, and precision and have the ability to understand the personality of any individual. Since their job involves interacting with people and inking tattoos on human skin, they are familiar with the psyche of humans coming from different backgrounds. They can design whatever tattoo their client wants based on how well he or she is able to describe the idea to them. Tattoos are pretty permanent, and it's totally reasonable for the client to expect a perfect custom tattoo design.

In fact, a great thing about these designers is that they work with the client to make sure their art completely represents what the client is trying to express with the design in the first place. And, guess what? A client can even work with different designers. All that is required is that one needs to share his or her thoughts about the tattoo until they find the artist that meets their needs.

There Aren't Many Designers to Choose From: Actually, the truth is that there are amazing designers all over the world who would love to create a custom tattoo design for interested clients. It could be that one may not have access to a lot of designers so one may not know this. Internet gives to easy access to a host of designers from all across the globe to share your idea with and get a tattoo of your choice.


What Is the Typical Cost of a Custom Tattoo Design?

If you are a tattoo enthusiast or a designer, you must have tried to find out as to how much a custom tattoo design actually cost? Is it a little expensive in comparison to the regular ones or too costly for a tattoo lover to afford? This article below answers all your questions about the price of a custom tattoo design as well as the ways to secure a custom design at a competitive price.

The hobby of having tattoos is truly an expensive hobby. The price of the design is in addition to that of inking it on the skin, and, typically, custom tattoos may cost as less as twenty dollars and as high as thousands of dollars. The cost depends on its size, complexity of design and intricacy. For example; larger tattoo designs with intricate details are more expensive than simpler, smaller tattoos.

There are several factors that can affect the cost of a custom tattoo design. They are discussed below.

Size and Detail: The price of a primarily depends in its size. So, tattoos that cover a larger area like full arm are very costly. As mentioned earlier, prices can get to as much as thousands of dollars. On the other hand, there are tattoos which may be small but are equally expensive. This is because these small tattoo designs have more intricate details. Some are especially designed to suit the exact curves of the body. For example; ankle and spine tattoo designs which are size-specific and are especially scaled to fit the client's body.

Color Themes: As size determines the price of a tattoo, its color theme also has a role to play. As a general rule, if the design has a lot of colors, it's bound to be costly. Designs with one to three colors range from 50 to 100 dollars while designs with elaborate colors may cost around 500 dollars. Besides, designs that use the full spectrum of colors tend to be very expensive.

The Tattoo Artist: Tattoos are a specialized form of art and not every tattoo designer can be considered as an expert. Inking permanent tattoos on skin which remain with the client for the rest of his or her life need to be perfect in every sense. This calls for considerable experience, skill and an understanding of the client's personality and his expectations. This is why an experienced and skilled artist may charge a higher rate than the one who is not so popular or considered new in this field.

Usually, the designs created by famous artists are more expensive. Irrespective of the size, popular tattoo artists may charge very high prices for their work of art. The tattoo industry has created its own brand of Michelangelos, Raphaels and Da Vincis and their creations are sold at the highest rates.


Top Three Tips for Avoiding Tattoo Disasters

Custom tattoo designs are the hottest trend in the fashion world. Online tattoo design contests have hit the mainstream fashion world and show no signs of decline. These contests are an opportunity for both designers and tattoo enthusiasts to discover the creativity, talent, graphic skill as well as the ability of an artist to understand and interpret the client's tattoo ideas and preferences.

It is difficult for some people to resist the temptation of getting a particular design/ words tattooed on his or her body. Whether to commemorate a significant event or for pleasure, tattoos are considered a way of expressing one's unique personality. For those clueless about the world of body art, here's a refresher.

Tattoo is an ancient art form of sculpting the body with symbolic designs. In present time, this art form has become a regular part of fashion and lifestyle both in men and women of every age. Therefore, in fashion sense, tattoos are a way of decorating and accessorizing one's body.

However, like shoes, tattoo designs also come in different shapes, sizes and various styles because, one style/ size does not fit all. There may be certain designs that look very beautiful on some people but may not look that good on others. So, here are the top ten tips to stay away from any type of tattoo disasters and avoid the pain of tattoo removal and the additional expense it entails.

TIP# 1: Take time to think over the design you want tattooed in your body.

Getting a tattoo is a big decision and should be taken after considering all the pros and cons of having one. If you are not happy with either the tattoo design or its effect after it is inked on the skin, there is hardly anything that you can do about it. For instance; if the size is inappropriate, the colors look dull or the body part where the tattoo is located is not right, it cannot be undone. So take sufficient time to decide upon the design and its specifications before getting inked.

TIP# 2: Choose unique tattoo designs.

The generic tattoo designs are very common and have no uniqueness. Although these designs come at an affordable price, they may not match your personality or your lifestyle. Besides, the designs are not created by the artist with you in mind; the tattoo design may not have any meaning for you. When compared with these conventional designs, custom tattoo designs are more personal, have a meaning for you, are vivid in color and are best in quality. You even have the option to get your designs patented to guarantee their uniqueness.

TIP# 3: Get the best tattoo artist.

Choosing the best design is only one aspect of tattooing. The other aspect is the skill and expertise of the tattoo artist. Your tattoo artist should be experienced, skilled as well as sensitive to your feelings. He should be honest enough to let you know the various tattooing techniques, their pros and cons, the ink quality and the safety and hygiene methods practiced by him or her.


Make Sure It's Clean: Key Steps in Cleaning Your New Tattoo

Tattoos are becoming more and more of a mainstream staple in today's society. Everyone from all spectrums of the world, young and old, are endeavoring into the realm of tattooing. It could be the alluring buzz of a tattoo gun, methodically running its course, or maybe just the creativity to turn your imagination into artwork, and on any part of your body at that. Considering that a tattoo should be treated as a one-of-a-kind piece of art, it is absolutely vital that you do everything in your power to maintain it so that it will be healthy for quite some time.
Typically, when someone walks out of a tattoo shop, you will notice that, rather than brandishing an intricate tattoo, they are wearing a bandage. There is a reason for this, and a good reason at that. Tattoos, essentially, are a flesh wound inflicted by the constant thrusting of a needle into the skin. Therefore, they are quite susceptible to infection-causing bacteria when they are first completed. To more-or-less block any bacteria, most tattoo artists will apply a makeshift bandage over the fresh tattoo. While it may be tough to wear a bandage over the immaculate artwork you just had done, it is vital that you keep the tattoo covered for at least two hours.
After the initial two hours have passed, you can remove the bandage carefully, but you are not free just yet. Now, the cleaning process commences. To clean a new tattoo, rather than using a rough wash-cloth, use your hand, combined with warm water and a antibacterial soap to gently wash away any residue that has accumulated on the surface of the tattoo. This residue can be anything from excess ink, to blood and plasma. Once the area has been cleaned properly, grab a paper towel and gently pat (do not rub!) the area dry.
Once dry, the tattooed area is now ready to receive some much-needed ointment. Moreover, when it comes to ointments, you will get opinions from everyone, and since there are hundreds of different types of ointments available, it can get rather confusing. The key aspect to keep in mind is simply to get an ointment that has antibacterial properties. A&D ointment is usually the preferred choice among tattoo artists.


How to Design Your Own Tattoo

If you have the talent, you can design your own tattoo the same way most tattoo artists do. If your skills aren't quite up to par, there are still, a number of ways in which you can design a tattoo without having to draw it yourself. When you think of a tattoo, there must be some 'image' of the design or pattern that you would like to create. You must have some particular size, color scheme and other details in mind that you would want to incorporate in your tattoo. So, once you've determined what exactly you wish to create, it's time to find some help.

One of the best ways to get a tattoo design created for you is to go online and find a site that offers custom tattoo design contests. These contests allow you to submit your tattoo idea and have professional tattoo artists design you a tattoo based on the information/ details you provide to them. Most of the design contests are free and do not require any registration or participation fee. But one has to offer what's called 'Prize Money' to the winning designer, whose design is eventually selected as final and the best. Once the contest closes, that winning designer provides a stencil of the tattoo design which then becomes the property of the client who has paid for it.

The artists who compete in design contests are very good at working on the contest holder's ideas, but they cannot read your minds. They'll be able to create exactly what you want only if you tell them what is it that you are looking for in terms of intricacy, size, colors and appeal. They work on the basis of the information provided by you, so you need to be precise and willing to work with them to get your idea into a workable piece of art.

For those who want a little more 'hands-on' in their tattoo creation, there are online sites that have programs for you to design your own tattoo. They usually have a library of tattoo designs that you can mix and match to create something you are thinking of, but it isn't quite the same as a truly created custom design tattoo. They do offer one option though that might be helpful, you can use it to get temporary tattoos and tattoo flash.

Where participation in tattoo contests is free, there is a certain fee for using the tattoo design software, so you need to check out the costs on the websites that offer this program. Some of them have technical requirements, so you need to see if they are compatible with your equipment and you will probably have to download some software programs to use their tattoo makers. Once you're all set, creating your own tattoo is rather simple, but what you end up with may not be a real custom tattoo design. Anyone else that uses the program has access to the same designs as you do.

Therefore, if you really want a custom tattoo, the only way you're truly going to get one is by having a tattoo artist design it for you. Even though they're the one that actually draw it, you are the one who give the design idea, so, you are designing your own tattoo with the help of an artist. Tattoo design contests are a good way to find that special artist to bring your design to fruition.